Have Questions? See if the following FAQs help.


Q: Is participation a two step process?

A: Yes, it is. First, you need to submit your project idea with details as mentioned in the participation page, where the project submission template is also given. Your idea will be evaluated by our panel of experts, to give you an approval within 10 days of submission.
Once you have formal approval, you can go on to build your project for submission by the deadline.


Q: Will I require my school permission to participate?

A: Yes, you will. Formal School permission is a must for all participants, once you get go-ahead for your project idea.


Q: Will I need to travel for the national finals to another city?

A: Yes, selected finalists will be required to travel for the national finals, where the national jury will evaluate the shortlisted entries. In some exceptions, you might be allowed to send in a video presentation, or present it through live streaming to the jury. The time available for presentation will remain the same.

Q: If I win the national final, for the trip to Stockholm in August, can any of my family members come along?

A: No, family members, if they wish to accompany the winners, will come at their own expense and risk. They will not be allowed to share accomodation provided to the participants in Stockholm by the organising team.

Q: Will all travel costs, including visa and travel to embarking city be taken care of by organisers?

A: Yes.


Q: Unlike some other entries, mine is a cardboard display of standard size. Will competitors with the elaborate displays receive extra credit – do I stand a chance of winning with my entry?

A: Again, the display is not the main judging criteria for the SJWP. Judges are interested in the content of the paper and how the students present this information.

Q: When the judges interview us, what should we expect?

A: Generally, the judges allow 15 minutes per interview. During each interview, the finalists are expected to use approximately 5 minutes to present their project. The remaining time, the judges prefer to ask questions.

Q: The jury did not spend ten minutes with me. What does this mean?

A: When the interviews take place, the jury has already read the papers and prepared questions to clarify technical information and to give them a better understanding of your project. If your paper is informative and well presented, it may be that the judges have all the information they need.

Q: Will the jury give us written feedback on our projects?

A: No.

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